Fire Prevention

A Safety Talk for Discussion Leaders
Review this safety talk before the meeting and become familiar with its content. Make notes about the points made in this talk that pertain to your workplace. You should be able to present the material in your own words and lead the discussion without reading it.
Seating space is not absolutely necessary, but arrangements should be made so that those attending can easily see and hear the presentation.
Collect whatever materials and props you will need ahead of time. Try to use equipment in your workplace to demonstrate your points.
During the Meeting
Note: Give the safety talk in your own words. Use the printed talk merely as a guide.
The purpose of a safety meeting is to initiate discussion of safety problems and provide solutions to those problems. Encourage employees to discuss hazards or potential hazards the encounter on the job. Ask them to suggest ways to improve safety in their area.
Don’t let the meeting turn into a gripe session about unrelated topics. As discussion leader, its your job to make sure the topic is safety. Discussing other topics wastes time and can ruin the effectiveness of your safety meeting.
At the end of the meeting, ask employees to sign a sheet on the back of this talk as a record that they attended the safety meeting. Keep this talk on file for your records.
Fire Prevention
A fire caused by poor housekeeping, carelessness or failure to follow instructions, can destroy your job, you income, and even your life. But the chance of a fire can be reduced if everyone makes an effort to practice daily fire prevention measures.
Follow these fire safety tips:
- Don’t allow trash and litter to accumulate unnecessarily.
- Keep the office and dock areas neat and clean.
- Know where fire alarm boxes and extinguishers are located.
- Make sure you know the different types of fire extinguishers and how to use them; check periodically to see if they are charged and well marked.
- Store hazardous materials in designated areas.
- Keep exits free of obstructions.
- Make sure there are good connections and effective grounds in the wiring.
- Smoke only where permitted.
- Keep equipment clean and use it properly.
- Handle flammable liquids with caution.
- Know the proper exits and procedures in case of an emergency.
If you store hazardous materials properly, the chances of fire, spills and accidents are greatly reduced. A leaking drum of lacquer thinned can be a fire hazard unless the right precautions are taken. Make sure you know the loading and storage chart so that you don’t load noncompatibles on the same trailer or in the same area of the terminal.
Every terminal should have an emergency plan. In case of fire or other emergencies, procedures should outline who is to call the fire department and how the building is to be evacuated.
When a fire or emergency evacuation does occur, don’t panic. Keep calm and follow instructions. Know the right fire extinguisher for each type of fire.
Following rules is not just the responsibility of the safety supervisor or the terminal manager–it’s everyone’s responsibility.
It is also important to be aware of arsonists. Keep an eye out for unusually placed flammable, such as oily rags stored in peculiar places. If you watch for “offbeat” actions you may be able to spot the arsonist. Don’t take the necessary steps yourself. Tell your supervisor at once.
Fire prevention is everyone’s job.