Basic Safety Orientation

Industrial Safety Orientation is the primary focus of our training and is offered in two forms: “Basic Orientation Plus” and “Basic Orientation Plus Refresher”. Basic Orientation Plus is a classroom course conducted for new hires or for those whose badges verifying successful completion have expired. The refresher course is available to those who possess badges which verify successful completion of Basic Orientation Plus or Basic Orientation Plus Refresher, as long as they have not expired.
Note: The Third Coast Safety badge indicating successful completion of the courses is good for one year with a grace period of an additional 4 years before it has to be renewed by repeating the course. The Basic Plus course material is periodically revised by the Association of Reciprocal Safety Councils (ARSC) to reflect changes in regulatory standards and accepted practices. This schedule will keep your employees current in their basic safety knowledge.
Basic Orientation Plus
Basic Orientation Plus (BOP) is a half-day program (approximately five hours). The class is offered daily with sign-in beginning at 7:00AM. Highly qualified instructors lead the student through interactive instructional modules. All students are then tested in our multimedia lab to verify competency. There is a comprehensive test consisting of fifty (65) questions on all material presented but not in the sequential order of the class room material. Tests are graded with a minimum score of seventy (70) required and all questions missed are immediately remediated.
Basic Orientation Plus Refresher
Basic Orientation Plus Refresher (BOPR) is a two hour refresher that is taken in our multimedia lab. This training is video based with interactive instructional modules. All students are given a fifty (65) question comprehensive test. As in the classroom course the questions cover all material presented but do not appear in the sequential order of the training materials. Tests are graded with a minimum score of seventy (70) required and all questions missed are immediately remediated.
UNIT I Introduction Module | UNIT II Process Safety Management (PSM) | UNIT III General Safety | UNIT IV Hazard Communications | UNIT V Personal Protective Equipment |
UNIT VI Respiratory Protection | UNIT VII Hearing Conservation | UNIT VIII Electrical Safety | UNIT IX Lockout / Tagout | UNIT X Fall Protection |
UNIT XI Scaffolding | UNIT XII Excavations, Trenching and Shoring | UNIT XIII Job Safety Analysis (JSA) | UNIT XIV Emergency Action Plans (EAD) | UNIT XV Fire Prevention |
Note: the Basic Orientation Plus (BOP) does not satisfy the training requirements for tasks that have inherently high levels of hazards (e.g. Confined Space Entry). The BOP is awareness level training ONLY and is not intended to give the student the credentials he/she will need to perform all specialized tasks. The BOP does, however, provide 80% of the required annual training in 55 topics. For a comparison of what BOP provides versus OSHA requirements click on the link below. The contractor must provide the remaining specific training that will get the employee in compliance with OSHA requirements.
BOP Study Guide
This BOP Study Guide was developed to provide help to trainees taking the BOP course. It provides written introductions of many of the safety principles that will be presented in the course. It also introduces numerous safety terms used in the course material. Becoming familiar with these safety terms will promote better understanding of the course material and the exam.
To ensure your safety on-the-job as well as properly prepare you for the exam, you will need to focus on the safety principles and practices that are communicated in the BOP classroom course.
How to use this study guide:
Read the information contained in the guide. If there are terms you are not able to pronounce, ask someone for assistance, if possible. It is likely that you will see these words again in the course material and the exam. If you don’t understand a safety term or some safety principle, write down your question(s) and ask your BOP instructor at a suitable time.
If you find it difficult reading and understanding the information in this guide, you will likely have difficulty reading and understanding your written exam as well.